Sun Kyong (Sunny) Lee

- Professor, Korea University
- Lab Affiliate
Contact Info
Biography —
Three key areas of Dr. Sunny Lee's research trajectory are communication technology, organizational communication, and immigrant integration. Her research often converges at the intersections of those three areas and utilizes social networks perspective and analyses. First, she examines socio-cultural implications of communication technologies including mobile and social media, and artificial intelligence-based systems (e.g., Siri, NAO). Second, she studies how communication networks in various organizations are structured and associated with members’ attitudes and behaviors. Last, her research focuses on diverse groups of ethnic and religious immigrants and how they integrate into the host society. Examples of Sunny Lee's published research can be found in high impact journals in the field of Communication and Information Science such as Communication Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Computers in Human Behaviors, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, and International Journal of Communication.